Thursday, 14 April 2016 :- 508,Alankar Plaza,Central Spine Rd, Sector 2, Central Spine, Vidhyadhar Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302039 

Top  Vasthu   tips for new construction Home

1 Number of doors should be even numbers.

2 Number of steps should be odd numbers.

3   Toilet seat facing either south or north

4 No windows at south-west corner.Number of windows should be even numbers.

5 Number of pillars should be even numbers

6 Vacant spaces on the eastern and northern sides should be more than the other sectors.

7 Well, water tank, pond, swimming pool and fountain should be at north-east corner.

8 Septic tank or drainage outlet should be either in the south-east or north –west.

9 If kitchen is located in south –east, face towards east while cooking.

10 If kitchen is located in north-west, face towards north while cooking.

11 Master bedroom (south-west) flooring should be one to six inches higher compared to the
flooring of other rooms.

12 Shape of the building should be either square or rectangular

13 The door to the bedroom has to open at least up to ninety degrees. This is significant of the fact that you are allowing maximum opportunities into your life. You are also supposed to make sure that the bedroom door is made of a solid and strong material, so that your private and intimate life is protected from the outer world and the interferences as well.

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